Tuesday, September 25, 2012

With Thanksgiving

The end of my 12 weeks is up on Friday. I am actually going to work on Thursday this week so that I can ease back into it rather than starting with a full week. I am feeling a lot of different things. On one hand I am excited to see my coworkers and have more adult conversation during the day. On the other, I am going to miss hanging out with my girls each day and seeing their happy smiley faces. Just when they are starting to get more interactive and smiley, they will spend their days at daycare. Sad. But, I am thankful for the daycare provider that we have found. It has been an interesting adventure finding her and I know she will be great. We did a practice day with her last Thursday and both the girls and her did well. She even sent me a picture text and took other pictures of the girls that she puts on her website for parents. But still, no one loves and care for your children like you do...

There has been a particular passage that Kevin and I have come back to several times over the last several years--Philippians 4:4-7:

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I will be focusing on these verses again as we anxiously start dropping off the girls at daycare and as I go back to work. Verse 6 says not to be anxious and that we can present all of our requests and situations to God and he will give us peace. However, there are two important words in this verse that I so often missed when reading these verses--"with thanksgiving." How can we ask God for more without first being thankful for what we do have? So while we will be praying for peace with the transition back "to the real world" of work and daycare (and we would appreciate your prayers as well) we have so much to be thankful for:
  • Healthy and happy girls
  • The time off that I have had
  • A job to go back to
  • A daycare provider that we trust
  • Support from family and friends
  • And so much more!
Ok, those are my thoughts for the day. Here are some of the latest pics of the girls.

Strawberry Shortcakes:

Happy girls:

Kevin's school had a baby shower for us:


Sunday nap at Grandpa and Grandma VV's
Their neighbor had giant pumpkins so we decided to use them for some pics

My Dad, Me with Quinn, and my Grandma Helen with Amelia:
Have a great rest of the week everyone!!



Saturday, September 8, 2012

2 Months

Crazy how fast two months goes by! I cant believe how much older they look and act. I even had to put away most of their newborn stuff and get out the 0-3 and 3-6 sizes (tear!). Honestly the 3-6 month stuff is for length only. They have their dad's long torso and will likely inherit his problem with clothes in that order to get the length, you also get width. :)

We have been busy going for walks since its not quite as hot, have ventured to Target and the mall, and have gone to a couple of Kev's volleyball games. Both girls are so much more alert and stay awake for longer periods during the day. So much so that sometimes it's hard to get anything else done (or get a shower in for the day) because they want you to keep talking to them. Kevin and I have both noticed that they get mad on  purpose if you leave the room. They will watch you get up and leave the room, spit out their paci's and give a fake cry so that you have to come back. Smart girls! The other day I even had to put them in their boppy pillows in the hallway outside of the bathroom while I was getting ready just so they could see me. Kinda funny for now...just so that doesn't get out of control.

So yesterday we had their two month check up and it was quite the adventure--for me at least. I was just starting to feel like I was getting the hang of getting the girls fed and ready to go by myself. However, yesterday I either misjudged the timing or the girls took longer to eat or something because we did not leave by the time I had targeted in my head. Anyway, we made it to the clinic 10 minutes early which is better than being late...it just wasn't the 20 minutes they request. I use the stroller to haul them in because I find it much easier than carrying both car seats. So by the time the girls are in the stroller, got checked in, and sitting in the waiting room it was 1:09. Appointment was for 1:10...phew! I then took the carseats out of the stroller and tried to tuck it out of the way from other patients. Lots of things I never would have thought of before! Pretty sure I was sweating at this point.
The nurse called us in not much longer and took the girls to be weighed. Amelia is 10 pounds 13 ounces and Quinn is 10 pounds 9 ounces..just around the 50th percentile. Crazy to think that they were both only 5 pounds 13 ounces when we brought them home! Amelia is 23 and 1/2 inches long which is actually the 90th percentile and Quinn is 23 inches which is the 79th percentile. Definitely long babies and Kevin was happy about that! :)
Then the not so fun part...the shots. They actually both did really well and probably only cried for a couple seconds, although it seemed a lot longer to me. I felt so bad for Quinn, who had gone first, that I had to put her back in her carrier while she was still teary eyed because we still had to do Amelia. Poor things but they survived.
So we head outside back to the car, and I find that the person who parked next to us was about 6 inches away...Grr! Lots of thoughts ran through my head about how I would get the carseat in but I made it. Not saying that person doesn't have any door dings though. Definitely still sweating at this point so I did the only logical thing I could think of...went across the street and ordered myself an iced coffee!! I deserved it right?

OK enough about that adventure. Here are some pics:

I love this one because I could actually get both of the girls to look at me at the same time! :)

Happy Amelia in her sleep sack:

Happy Quinn...she has really started smiling so much!

 Dad's Canadian Beauties (Thanks Anthony & Maria!):

2 Month Photos: