Sunday, June 1, 2014

20 weeks & More

This past week marked the half way point in our pregnancy already! We had our 20 week ultrasound and baby appears to be doing well. The body parts they checked all looked good but baby was measuring on the small side. I will have another ultrasound around 32 weeks just to check in on how he or she is growing....yep--he or she, we did not find out the gender this time. :)
I don't think the girls totally understand that we are going to be adding another member to our family but sporadically they will touch my tummy and say "hi baby". It's pretty cute!
It's kinda crazy to compare what being pregnant with a singleton is like to being pregnant with twins. At this point last time I was in full maternity clothes whereas I have been avoiding them this time for the most part. Last time my stomach had constant punches but this time I really only feel movement at night when I can finally lay on the couch ;) Here is my bump so far:

The girls continue to make us laugh, pull our hair out, roll our eyes, etc., and we love it. It seems like we go through a lot of phases and ups and downs with them. One minute we are saying how well behaved they have been acting and the next minute no one can win. One Sunday we can make it through church while the girls sit there like angels--whereas today we barely lasted 10 minutes until we had to take them out for nursery. Today the girls woke up very happy from their nap and we were planning to skype with Kevin's parents. Pretty sure the girls only said "hi" and "bye" to them and the middle of the conversation was chaos. Someone needed a snack, which means another someone needs a snack. This was actually like the 3rd snack that was "needed" since they had woken up. Then someone wants a book, sit on mommies lap--oh wait I mean daddies, I want to wear my sun hat, I want to sit exactly where you are sitting so I will push you out of the way. AAAAH. Seriously they are sweet girls so I don't understand some of the tantrums that we see. Just typical toddlers, right?
Don't get me wrong, its such a fun stage. We love taking them to the zoo and watching them make all of the animal noises and try to talk to the ducks and monkeys. We love taking them to the park because they love the slides and swings. We often go for walks up and down the sidewalk, usually with the baby strollers. Or we will pile into the wagon and walk around our neighborhood.
It's been really fun to watch their personalities shine through. They are actually surprising us compared to when they were born. When they were newborns, Amelia was the more vocal one that I would have pegged as the "girly" one.  Quinn was pretty quiet and laid back. While they still show these traits, Amelia really has no fear and will try anything. She's not afraid to pet the neighbors dogs, feed the goats at the zoo, walk right into the lake and sit in the water. Quinn will not do/does not like any of these things, yet. Quinn still thinks most tasks are a game and I would call her rambunctious, but in a good way. She loves to say letters from the alphabet, get tickled or chased, and tease her sister. Amelia is a good sharer while Quinn is not always. It's kind a funny because if Quinn finishes her snack first and says all gone, Amelia will automatically give her a bite of hers or put some more in her bowl. If Amelia is finished first and I ask Quinn if she can give some to sister, she is saying "no" before I even finish the question.
I had a pretty embarrassing moment a few weeks ago with the girls while out for a walk. They were in such a good mood and we were pushing their babies in their strollers outside. Usually we walk to the end of the block (so just a few houses down) and turn around. Sometimes we turn the corner and go another block but usually not more than that. On this particular day, we turned the corner and the girls were going strong. Quinn pointed that she wanted to keep going so I thought why not. It was finally nice out, quite hot actually, and they were doing fine so we went on. If you cant imagine where we leave, our block is probably like 3 "normal" city blocks put together. Well after going past a few more houses, Amelia wanted to turn around and Quinn wanted to keep going. One would stop while the other kept going. It was taking forever! Amelia decided she wanted to be held. I should not have picked her up, because of course then Quinn wanted to picked up. Reminder, each has a baby stroller they are supposed to be pushing. We struggle along a few more houses while I am searching for one that doesn't have a fence that we can cut through the yard to get back to our street. We finally do cut through and there is lady mowing the lawn. She sees me struggling as I am trying to kick these strollers along while holding both of the girls, and asks if the lawn mower is scaring the girls. Nope, we are long passed that. She says I look like I am struggling and ask if I need help. I said no.Then she says are you sure, how about I carry the strollers. So I took her up on that offer and we trudged down the sidewalk to our house. UGH....never again will we go that far without the wagon or a stroller. :)

Anyway, we are having a blast and cant wait to see what the next up or down is.

Here are some of the latest pictures:

Still love the park! So sad when we have to come home.

Miss Amelia loving the sand and water at Lake Alvin


Q-Bear isn't so sure.

 Definitely getting our money's worth out of the zoo pass. 

Amelia loves the goats and sheep.

The Llamas are a favorite because we read about Llama llama in our books.

When the girls and I get home from work, we go outside and water the flowers and usually end up swinging too. The girls do so well of helping us water!

These are the baby strollers I mentioned :) It's pretty cute to watch them.

A few weeks ago the girls were sick and baby had to be washed. Not a good combination.

Amelia decided she need to track down every giraffe she could find (which is quite a few) and bring them between the crib and changing table with her. Wonder where she picked up the love for giraffes ;)

Have a good week everyone!