Wednesday, April 16, 2014

And Baby Makes 5!

Might as well start this blog post with our big news. :) Amelia and Quinn and are going to be big sisters. Vanderwal #5 will be joining our family mid October. We are really excited and it's starting to feel more real every day. We think the girls are going to be great sisters and really good helpers--we hope at least. I have been feeling really well and am getting over the super tired stage. We feel very blessed by this new addition and are in awe of our amazing God. And I am sure you are questioning if we are sure there is only one this time. Trust me, it was the first thing we made them check.

The girls have really started to seem and act older the last couple of weeks. They are talking non stop and some of the things they say and do we just wonder how they learned it. We are hoping to get rid of their paci's this weekend because "other babies need them now." We have been saying this to the girls a couple times a day just to try to get it in their head--knowing it's still probably not going to go well. Anyway, yesterday morning when the girls woke up, one of the first things Quinn said was "babies need paci". Wow our pep talks might be working! Wish us luck!

Amelia is a really good sharer while Quinn is not. Quinn thinks everything is a game while Amelia is more serious and focused. Amelia is still such a good eater while Quinn is getting picky. Amelia is good at cleaning up while Quinn will stall at all costs. Kevin and I talk often about how Quinn is a lot like him while Amelia is a lot like me. However they are actually both so much like each of us. They are both very sensitive and we can tell they have big hearts. They hate it when the other is crying or is in timeout. They hate it when they hear other kids crying and say uh oh. They both love to be outside and hate when its raining or too cold to be out. Their adorable personalities are really starting to come through. 

This past weekend some girl friends and I took our kids to the Children's Museum in Brookings. The girls had so much fun playing in the grocery store, farm, water room, and with the giant light bright. We will definitely be going back.


I knew they were tired when they both had to lay their heads on the table at Culver's.
Not long after they were out!

We got a membership to the zoo so we have already been there a couple times this month. The girls are obsessed with all animals so they are loving their life at the zoo.

The girls still love to go for walks and to the park when it's nice out. On this trip, Amelia insisted that Blue Bear join us. 

If we aren't walking, the girls like to sit on the deck or by the patio window and look for puppies and birds. Almost all of our neighbors have a dog so there is usually at least one out. And sometimes little birds will sit on our deck and chirp away so the girls like to say "shhh" with their finger to their mouth. I told them one time they had to be quiet or the birds won't come....

Something was clearly up with their tights or feet. You would be shocked how often they are both doing the same thing. Monkey See Monkey Do ALL THE TIME!

These two continue to amaze us and keep us laughing constantly. 

We wish everyone a Happy Easter as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior and the promise of eternal life. 

I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. 
John 11:25-26