Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Enderby 2014

In the Vanderwal house summer is basically over, which is sad to me because its only mid August. We just returned from a wonderful trip to Enderby to visit our Vanderwal family in Canada and we knew that upon our return, things were about to get (even more) crazy. Now that we are back, Kevin started in-service at school right away this week and volleyball starts on Thursday. We are only 9 weeks out from a new addition joining our family which is also blowing our minds. It will definitely be a busy fall but we are excited. We have decided we need to be organized and try to tackle a few tasks in the evening when we can so that our to-do list doesn't pile up for the week before Baby V is due and volleyball is in full swing.

Over the last couple of weeks since my last post Kevin and Nate have been working so hard to get all of their construction projects finished up. They are so close and we are very thankful for all of the work they were able to line up this summer. My work has also been crazy busy with large projects but I continue to love what I do as well. The girls are doing well at Amy's house and we are so thankful for her and all they are learning there.

As I mentioned we just got back from Canada. We worked half a day on 7/31 and then took off for Winnipeg. We tried something different this year to see how it would work and we drove to Winnipeg and then flew from there. Overall the girls did well on both the trip there and back as well as on the flights, I would say it was a success. We only had one meltdown because a sticker ripped and mommy couldn't fix it....regardless, I say it was a win!
We had a great time in BC seeing family and introducing the girls to their cousins. It's so fun to watch them interact and they were a lot more outgoing this summer than last. Now that we are home we hear "Where's Owen?, Where's Shea, Where's Baby Beckett?" all the time! The girls did a lot of swinging, we got some beach time in, and Kev and I even snuck in a flew floats down the river during nap time! Here are some pics from our trip:

Hotel room fun on the beds in Winnipeg:

 Checking out the planes:
 Quinn loved the touch screens:
 Big girl Amelia sitting so nicely in her own seat:

Being silly in mom and daddy's bed in our trailer:

 This picture makes me laugh cause I think she looks like a real 4H girl or something by the calves:

Loving the sand, getting used to the water slowly but surely:

Amelia loved to go in the calf hutches like it was a fort...just her size!

 Miss Q and her Fancy Dance:
 Having a yogurt snack on the new picnic tables daddy and Uncle Dan made:
 Checking out the babies again:
 Kevin hiked to the top of the Enderby Cliffs with Dan and Elliot. So pretty but they are also pretty sore.

 It wouldn't be a trip to Canada without Nutella on our toast:

And in true SD style we returned home to humidity and a funnel cloud not far away:
 It was a great trip and we can't wait to see our Canadian family again soon!

In Baby V news I am 31 weeks already. I had an ultrasound to check on the growth and baby is measuring a bit behind so please pray that he/she continues to grow and is nice and healthy. I will have another ultrasound in 4 weeks to see if everything is on track. Everything else is looking good though and my doctor is not too concerned. In fact she told me to eat some more ice cream and steak! OK...twist my arm!
My 31 week sign is kind of hard to read but it says that Baby V gets the hiccups a lot! I love feeling them and all the other movements!

 Hope everyone is doing well!