Saturday, March 21, 2015

February 2015

****I wrote this post in February and meant to just add the pictures. That never happened. I am adding them now but the information is a good month behind. :)
Hi! Well I am finally able to sit down and type for a little bit. Kevin has the girls at church and I am home with Oliver who has been a little under the weather for the past two weeks. I feel like he is starting to turn a corner and I wanted to avoid the germs at church. So while he happens to be out cold right now, I am going to sit with a HOT cup of coffee and and update the blog.
The last couple of months have been hectic to say the least! I went back to work on December 29 and it has been going well so far. It is nice to be getting a routine going again. Our days look something like this....Wake up at 4:50 and either shower and get ready or feed Oliver if he happens to be awake. Each morning is a little different depending on if he woke up to eat during the night. If I fed him during the night (usually around 3) then I wake him up at 5:40 and feed him while I have breakfast. We wake up the girls at 6:10 and we are out the door by 6:30. Girls are dropped off at 6:50 and I am at work at 7. It's crazy how we have it down the minute --and we know if we leave our house just 2 minutes late we will hit every red light on the way to daycare.
Anyway, the kids are at Amy's until 4 when either Kevin or I pick them up. They usually watch an episode of Curious George when we get home while I put away everything that we had to take with us for the day. Tuesdays and Thursdays we are back out the door by 5 for swimming lessons. I usually find that I am always thinking ahead to what the next hour brings. I constantly have to remind myself to enjoy the moment that we are in or I am going to miss it because I am so worried about being prepared for what comes next. The girls are usually in bed between 7:30 and 8. Then Oliver gets a bath, lunches get made for the next day, laundry gets changed and maybe folded, and we are in bed by 10. Phew!

Oliver is doing well at daycare, although he needs to get used to not being held so much. He may have been spoiled while I was home on maternity leave. The girls are still in awe of him and ask about him immediately after waking up or coming upstairs...."Where OL..i..VER go? They love to give him hugs and kisses and are usually surprisingly gentle with him.
Oliver is 4 months old today and weighs 16 pounds. He has his appointment, with shots :(, tomorrow. He is starting to do well sitting in the bumbo and Kevin even had him in a jumper for a few minutes and he really liked it. It's amazing how fast their little heads get so strong. He is wearing 6 month clothes for the most part and has been for a month or so already.

The girls are doing well and are acting like typical 2.5 year olds. They have their moments of pure sweetness towards each other... "come downstairs with me sissy?", "hold my hand sissy?", "here's your baby sissy" and then the next minute we are having a meltdown. They like to play memory, babies, and hide and seek. When they hold their babies and their diaper bags, carseat, etc., they have started saying "I don't have enough hands mom"...hmm I wonder where they have heard that.
They know every word to "Oh Canada" and say "don't like that one" to the "Star Spangled Banner." I am sure you can see Kevin beaming now. They also know Jesus Loves Me, Baa Baa Black Sheep, ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, and so many more. They like to mix two songs and then say "That's not right!!" and then laugh and laugh like they are hilarious!
They make us laugh constantly with a few moments of complete woostness mixed in. They feed off of eachother when they are tired and wild making it two times harder to settle them down. It's not uncommon for a scenario like this to happen: I just start feeding a screaming hungry Oliver.....Amelia will say she has to go potty and Quinn will ask me to play memory with her. All at the same time. So I take Oliver with me to the bathroom and help Amelia go. Quinn tags along still asking to play memory. Just a lot going on at one time. :) Talk about not having enough hands...

Speaking of going potty....the girls are half way potty trained. They will have days in a row with no accidents and can keep their underwear dry. However they will not go #2 on the toilet. They still wear pullups for naps and bed time so that is usually when that happens. I am going to wrap some presents for them to see and when they finally go, they can open a present. It's so crazy cause the minute they go in their pull up they are begging to be changed and get mad if it takes us more than a second to do so. Usually they will go get a new underwear and pull up for us--that's how badly they want to be changed. Come on girls!!

Here are some of the latest pics of the kiddos: