Saturday, November 30, 2013

No Share November :)

Yikes! I am REALLY behind again but I wanted to make sure to get a post in while it's still November. Hopefully I can remember most of what has been happening around here.
I titled this post "No Share November" not because I didn't have anything to share with you but because of how well the girls have been sharing lately. :) They are so funny right now. Their little personalities are really starting to come through. Amelia is very strong willed and can turn the tears on and off in a heartbeat. She quite possibly could be our drama queen. She is also very sweet, loves to cuddle-especially with her momma, and has the most adorable belly laugh. Quinn tries to be a little comedian and loves to tickle and say "tickaticka" while she does it. She loves to have her daddy chase her around the house and she loves to do puzzles. The girls have become very possessive. They usually want to play with something that the other one is currently playing with. They will hold things behind their backs to hide it from the other. They are also possessive of Kevin and me. If Quinn is sitting in my lap, Amelia will wedge her way in, but as soon as she does, Quinn is done. It's quite hilarious actually. A little disclaimer though, for as much as they are going through a no sharing phase, they do have the rare moments when you can tell them to "give something to your sister" and they do it so cutely. They even will sometimes do it on their own, which we absolutely LOVE to see.
They still love to read books, especially any book about animals. They love to point to the different animals when we ask them "where is the tiger" or make a fish face when we ask what a fish says.

Here are a couple pictures from the girls 15 month photo session.
Miss Amelia loves to pick up rocks...and then hide them in her hand :)

Q-bear loves to run around her in pink cowgirl boots.

Love this one!
Kisses for Sister!  XOXO

This is a little peek a boo at the food court in the mall:

 Out for a walk on a sunny (but still kinda chilly) day:

Quinn decided to color on her face rather than the paper...

The volleyball season is now over as of last week. Roosevelt got 2nd place at the state tournament. Of course Kevin would have loved to have gotten first but they have to remember that a lot of teams would have loved to even make the tournament and that 2nd place is not a bad place to be. I have to admit, I am pretty glad to have my husband back...and the girls sure did miss him while he was at state!
Cuddle time with Daddy!

This week we are enjoying celebrating Thanksgiving with our families. We have so much to be thankful for! From our beautiful daughters, to our parents, and our family and friends, we appreciate all you do!
Kevin's parents are here for their annual American Thanksgiving visit and it's so fun to see the girls interact with them. We are going to be heading to BC for Christmas so we will get to see them again in just a few short weeks--which is not something we can say very often. We are pretty excited about it!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and we wish you a joyous holiday season ahead!

Psalm 95 O Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God.