Monday, November 10, 2014

Oliver Lee

On Wednesday, October 15, 2014, we welcomed a little BOY into this world. Oliver Lee Vanderwal arrived at 3:52 pm and weighed 7 pounds- 7 ounces, and was 20 inches long. We are so in love with him already.
Here is a summary of what happened. On Tuesday, the 14th, I had my weekly appointment with Dr. McKay and although there had not been much progress she thought it would be best if we went in that night to be induced. That threw us for a little loop since Kevin was planning on coaching his volleyball game that night. So I went back to work for a few last minute things and left about noon to come home and finish packing, doing laundry, and other nesting. Kevin picked up the girls from daycare after school and then we waited for my parents to arrive so we could head to the hospital. We stopped at Qdoba on our way and then got checked in and settled into our room.

Tuesday night was pretty calm but I was having contractions every 1-3 minutes although I could not feel them. Over the night and the next morning they gave me some drugs to kick things up and around noon I got an epidural. There ended up being a couple C-sections that the doctor had to do before she could deliver our baby--so by the time she came we were ready to go. It seemed like I only had to push a few times and out he came.

Although we did not find out ahead of time whether it was a boy or a girl, we were both a little surprised that it was a boy. This pregnancy seemed so similar to when I was pregnant with the girls and since we really only know girls, we kinda just assumed this would also be a girl. It was so fun to have the doctor flip him over and say "OK dad, what do we have?" Kevin then said, "It's a boy!" Good thing he got it right ;) We knew if it was a boy we would name him Oliver. We love the meaning--faithfulness, fruitfulness, and a symbol of peace. My middle name is Lee and my mom's middle name is Lee so we really wanted to use that for this child as well because it didn't work with the first names we chose for the girls. Lee means "healer" so maybe he will be a doctor some day. :)

We got up to our postpartum room about 7:00 pm and my parents brought the girls with to meet little Oliver. They think he is pretty neat and love to give him kisses and any squeak or noise he makes they rush to bring him a blanket or paci. We had a quick stay at Avera and were able to come home late Friday morning.

I actually started this blog post the Sunday after we got home and it's now 3 weeks later. :) We are all adjusting well and my days at home are flying by. Oliver's room is right across the hall from ours so we wanted him to get used to his crib right away. After 2 or 3 rough nights Oliver is starting to sleep great. He goes to sleep about 10:30 pm and wakes up around 2 am to eat and then again between 5 and 6 am. I can't complain about that at all. It actually works out great because then I can quick see the girls and help Kevin get them ready for daycare (although his pigtail skills have improved greatly). They have gone to daycare all but one day so far--they love it there and I feel it's important for them to keep a routine. Because Kevin has volleyball practice after school, I head into town about 3:30 to pick the girls up. It's nice to get out a bit each day and gives me a reason to shower ;)

A lot of people have asked if it's a lot different having one this time. It really is! Everything from the labor and delivery to getting out of the house is just a lot easier.

Here are some pictures of our new little buddy.and their big sisters.
Just waiting :)

Daddy checking out his new mini me


Auntie Heather happened to be on our floor for clinicals.