Monday, February 18, 2013

Month #7

The girls continue to grow. Everyday they amaze us with what they do. They follow us around like puppy dogs. We can't sit on the ground without two girls crawling all over us. We can't stand still in the kitchen without two girls pulling themselves up on our legs or wrapping their arms them. They are definitely on the move and we are having a blast. We are tired on a different level. Since they don't just sit in their boppy pillows anymore and don't love to be strapped into their bouncy seats, we are always watching, waiting, feeding, or hurrying. We watch to see where they are going to go or what they are going to do. We wait to see how long until someone falls backwards and hits their head or how long until Quinn steals Amelia's pacifier right out of her mouth(even when she has her own). We feed them at least two solid meals a day and they also get their usual bottles. We can already tell they are getting less interested in their afternoon bottle and would rather be playing. And we eat our supper in peace, to give two baths every other night, to wash dishes, fold laundry before someone pulls every piece out of the basket, and so on. I am not complaining. We love it.

Here are some pictures of our latest adventures
Little ladies following down the hall.

Reading with Daddy

One of MANY crazy sleeping positions we find Quinn sleeping in. We seriously could make an entire book because of course we think its hilarious and take a picture every time. She loves this doll and cuddles with it every night. She also fights her naps so much that she falls asleep sitting, which is what happened in this one.

Playing together by the rocking chair.

Grandpa and his Hawkeye fans.

This is Amelia who fell asleep with her forehead against the bumper. 

Amelia's 7 Month Picture

Quinn's 7 Month Picture

Both girls playing with their shoes.

Hugs for Mom

Playing together in Quinn's crib
Here are some of the pics from their 6 month oto session. I think I mentioned last time that the girls were NOT having it that day. So all things considered, they turned out ok and the girls still look pretty cute. :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Finally a New Post :)

So I really have been meaning to update the blog for several weeks now...I promise...oops! I have gotten some feedback that I am slipping a bit so I will try to pick up the slack. The girls have grown so much in the last few weeks and we can't believe how much they are able to do. Amelia is crawling all over the place and gets where she needs to go quickly. Quinn has been able to do the army crawl since before Christmas and she is now getting the "normal" crawl down. Her army crawl is much faster though so I think she gets sick of crawling properly because it takes her longer. Both girls can pull themselves up to stand, but are pretty wobly.

The girls personalities have pretty much done a 360 swap from when they were newborns. We thought Quinn was going to be the quiet, shy, and sensative one. Nope! I think these words will better describe Amelia. We thought Amelia was going to be the high maintenance vocal one. Nope! Quinn is a chatter box, go-getter, nap skipper, and big sister beater-upper. She will steal Amelia's toys, pull her hair, pull herself up to stand by balancing her self on Amelias back or head, and so many other things that make Amelia upset. Amelia will cry quickly when Quinn does these things to her, but for the most part she is pretty layed back and likes to watch what Quinn is doing. Amelia is such a sweetheart, a good napper, has an adorable laugh, and can be quite the comedian. So fun to see their personalities start to come out.

Both girls are sleeping through the night which has been amazing! Our "bad" nights consist of getting up once or twice to pop in a pacifier...usually for Amelia, but she goes right back to sleep so its not bad at all. Since Quinn thinks she doesn't need naps during the day, she crashes at night and will quite often wake up in the same position as when she fell asleep.

The girls are eating all kinds of new fruits, veggies, and oatmeal. Their favorite by far has been avocado. Reid and Lauren got us a Baby Bullet for a baby gift so we have been making various baby foods at home. I think its pretty fun to make (for now)!

Their 6 month appointments went really well. I guess we are already coming on 7 months so these stats are already out of date, but as of January 18, both girls were right around 16.5 pounds which puts them around the 60th percentile for weight. And the all important height stats....Amelia is 29 inches and Quinn is 28 inches long, which puts them in the 99th and 98th percentile. However, our doctor's office method of measuring their height is not the most scientific so take this for what its worth.....and when your thinking volleyball like their daddy is, its worth a lot ;)

Their 6 month pictures on the other hand did not go so well. Kevin and I were so proud of our selves. The girls took great morning naps, had a bottle, and were happy and ready to go. Our photographer is just down the street so it didnt take long to get there. In the time it took to get there, Amelia managed to make a huge scratch mark all the way down her cheek (maybe Quinn did it now that I think about it). We got them setup and ready to be all cute and smiley and.....NOTHING. We got the most blank stares that not even our best comedian work could bring out a smile from these two. We left the studio an hour and half later and Kevin and I were exausted! haha! We did get to see them and there are a couple that turned out ok so I will be sure to share them once we get them back.

Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks:

This is common...Quinn with her hands on Amelia's back or trying to crawl over her.

Pretty girl crawling in the ktichen.

Amelia standing up next to the bouncy seat Quinn is sitting in. Don't mind our mess...

Amelia fell asleep with all of her favorite things.

Both girls playing with all of their toys.

Quinn and cousin Mason played so nicely together.
Quinn eats so much better in a high chair. No more eating the Bumbo!

Amelia is such a good eater!


Quinn makes us laugh! Tonight when we put her down, we left a doll in the crib with her. When we went to check on her she was busy playing with it above her head. The next time we went to check on her, she had fallen asleep with it on top of her.
HAHA I had to post this one because it captures our little shadows so perfectly. Here they are on their way to the kitchen from the living room to chase after Kevin and me. Notice Amelia's very sad face and I caught Quinn mid blink.