Friday, January 15, 2016

Mom Guilt

It's been on my heart for a while to write a blog post like this. I am a Christian, wife, mom of three young kiddos, and I work full time. As I said in my last update, the last six months have been hairy at best and there have been many moments where I wondered if I was giving enough to each of these pieces of me that make me who I am. I have referred to these feelings many times over as "Mom Guilt." And I know we all have felt it. 
I love my job outside of the home and I think I am pretty good at it too. However, it is heartbreaking to wake up your daughter at 6:30 am when she is sound asleep and the first thing she asks is, "Are we going to Jodi's today?" As much as my kids like going to Jodi's house, at the ripe young age of three they are already living for the weekend when they get to stay home with mommy and daddy. #MomGuilt
Since having kids I have often thought about the possibility of being a stay at home mom. And in all honesty, I don't think it's for me. Some days I wish it was but it's not a reality that works for our family. I have always found that working outside of the home has made me a better mom for when I am home with my kids. Unfortunately as most of you know the hours between picking up the kids from daycare and putting the kids in bed are not always the happiest. And that makes being away from them during the rest of the day extra hard. #MomGuilt
Because I do love my job and I want what is best for my kids, I tell myself on a daily basis that if I have to be away from them, I am going to make sure that I am doing my absolute best at work. And when I am at home at night and on the weekends loving on my kids, I am going to try to devote as much attention to them as possible and leave work at work. On the days I am home with a sick kiddo, like I was two times this week, I am going to try to put the Mom Guilt away and stop thinking about the ever-accumulating emails in my inbox at work. And when my kids come home from daycare and tell me something that I know I didn't teach them, I am going to try to put the Mom Guilt away and be thankful that we have found such a wonderful provider who cares for our kids when we can't.

So whether you stay at home with your kids, work full time like me, or have found some ground somewhere in the middle, I want to remind you that it is enough.  :)
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas everyone! Our household is finally taking some deep breaths. I am not going to lie, this fall was hairy at best. :) Kevin went straight into volleyball after doing construction this summer and tore his Achilles as I mentioned in my last post. He decided to do this while getting his Master's, teaching a double overload of classes, and  renovating the basement. But we are finally at a place where we have a few moments to have a conversation at night and maybe even watch an episode of Scandal. Volleyball is finished, the semester of Master's work is finished, and Kevin is getting around really well on his feet. We joke that he is getting old because he thinks he can sense the weather by how his foot feels.

Since my last post, Oliver has turned ONE! He is still such a happy and content boy. The only time he really gets upset is if he can't do something that his sisters are doing. He loves to watch them and laugh at them, and they love to mother him and make him laugh. He loves to be silly and be chased. He likes to have an audience and be a ham and show off his smiles. He LOVES to read. He will sit by the box of books and take out one after another flipping through the pages and feeling the pictures. I know the girls loved books but I don't remember them ever sitting to read as long as Oliver does.
He is still a pretty good eater but we are starting to see times where acts picky. We know if he doesn't want something because he will start to throw it on the floor.....darn peas, can you blame him?
Knock on wood but he has been sleeping well too. He is pretty much down to one nap a day and goes down easily. He goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 and loves to snuggle with his Taggie. He has a blue blanket that he likes to have in bed by him too. He gets into position by tucking his hands under his tummy and puts his butt up. Pretty stinking cute if I say so myself.

Amelia and Quinn are each the epitome of a three and half year old girl. One minute they are happy and the next they are whiny. One minute they are sweet and the next sassy. They still love all things princess and Frozen and pretty things. They like when I bring home a new shirt or hair clips for them.They like it when I wear shoes with heels and they like to help me pick out clothes. Sometimes they bring me shoes while I am getting ready that they think I should wear....unfortunately it doesn't work to wear open toe'd wedges in December. :) One time I had gotten them some new tights and had put them in their drawer. A few days later they came running out of their room so excited to have found a new treasure. They said to me, "Mom, we never saw these before! They are cute! We like it when you buy us things."

The girls like to go to the library and pick out books. Most times they grab any that they see and put them on the pile that we are going to check out. Sometimes later when we are reading them I feel like maybe we should have checked them a little bit closer. :)
They also like to play outside and go for walks. They like to find big leaves and berries and collect treasures. So far this winter we have been pretty lucky to still be able to bundle up and go for some walks.
It's also pretty fun to watch the girls interact with each other. Quinn calls Amelia "Melia" and Amelia calls Quinn "Qinn" and some how whatever they are playing they always know what the other is thinking or planning.

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a blessed 2016! In 2014 we didn't expect to have a baby and in 2015 we didn't expect to sell our house and move or have Kevin tear his Achilles. Can't wait to see what 2016 has in store!