Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy New Year!

As I sign into my blog account to start this post I am thinking I should have made a New Year's resolution to blog more. I am not big on resolutions but I really want to do better because I don't want to forget any details. Having said that, our house is a little nuts right now so we will see! Considering it's been so long since my last post and so much has happened in the mean time, I think I will try to do separate posts for everything that we have done or is going on. This particular post is going to focus on our little moose, Oliver.

We prayed a lot while I was pregnant that we would have a healthy baby who was easy going and was a good sleeper....doesn't hurt to ask right? I would say so far our prayers have been answered tenfold.Oliver is such a happy baby who lets his sisters cuddle, poke, and prod him more than they should. So far he really only cries when he is hungry, needs his diaper changed, or is tired. If he is crying you know he needs something.

Oliver smiles all the time and it never gets old! He loves to be talked to and will try to talk back by cooing and giggling. He will go on and on like he is having a wonderful conversation with you. He laughs at the girls when they talk to him and I love it. His smile is adorable and sometimes you can see his dimples. I think he looks even more like his daddy when he is smiling.

Around Thanksgiving time Oliver started sleeping from about 10 pm until 4 am. A couple weeks after that he stretched it until 5 or 5:30!! I think he may be going through a growth spurt this week as he has been taking long naps during the day and has been waking up around 3 ready to eat! It's ok though, we will get back to where we were.

On New Year's Day Oliver rolled over for the first time. He rolled from his stomach to his back and did it 3 or 4 times in a row. He giggled after each time so it was pretty funny to watch.

Here are some pictures of our happy babe-some are a little old already.

The girls like to lay down by Oliver and then they say "take our picture"


Oliver loves the Big 10


I have lots more to share about our Thanksgiving and Christmas, what it's like to have three kids under three. Amelia & Quinn, being back at work, etc. Hopefully I can do those posts soon! Hope you are all doing well and we wish you a Happy 2015!