Friday, February 7, 2014

It's (one of the) Most Wonderful Tmes of the Year!

Time for the Olympics of course! We at the Vanderwal house love to watch the Olympics and as I type this we are watching the opening ceremonies. I love to see each teams outfits...not overly impressed with the US's this time but Canada looked pretty good ;) The last time the Olympics were on the summer of 2012 we had just brought the girls home from the hospital--it actually worked out perfect to feed the girls at 2 am cause we could catch up on what we missed during prime time.

In January the girls turned 18 months old. We actually just had their 18 month appointment this past week and found out both girls are exactly 32 inches tall, which is the 83rd percentile for their age. They are also within 4 ounces of each other weight wise at just over 24 pounds, which is only the 38th percentile. Tall thin Dutch girls...sounds about right :)

The girls continue to crack us up. They are talking and chatting so much its so funny to see what they say or try to say. Here are some things they say on a regular basis: Mommy (while doing the sign for Mom), Daddy (while doing the sign for Dad), yeah, please no, hi, bye-bye, teeth (which sounds like tee), ow/owie, baby (which sounds like buh-beeeeeee when upset ), paci (sounds like puh=ceeeeeeee when upset), applesauce (sounds like appa-tot), Whered' go?, puppy, potty, tie (for Tayo the little bus show they like to watch for 30 seconds before they move on to the next thing), various animal noises, and I know there are lots more I am missing.
Amelia is still totally our book worm. Most nights she must go to bed with a book, even though she cant see the pages in the dark. She will flip through pages of a book the entire way to and from daycare in the morning and quite often wants to take it in to daycare with her. Quinn likes to read too but won't stick with it as long as Amelia. On the way to daycare she would rather listen to the Sunday School CD and cuddle with her baby.
Both girls have started to say "come here" with their hands if they want their sister or one of us to come by them. They will make a motion with their hands and it is the most adorable thing ever. Kevin will make them a tent, usually Amelia's request, and then she will motion for me and Quinn to come in with them.
Quinn likes to tease the rest of us. If we tell her not to do something she will pretend she is going to do it and just smiles and looks at us like "what are you going to do about it." It's so hard not to laugh.
Amelia is a helper and mother hen. She loves to "help" do almost anything you ask her to...put dirty clothes in the hamper, pick up the diapers they just unloaded from the stacker thing, put an empty bowl in the sink, etc.
Both girls are really good at telling us if they have dirty diapers or want to be changed. Amelia especially. She will quite often point to her diaper before we even have a clue. So far no desire to sit on the potty from either of them though.

I can't believe it's been over 6 months since they turned 1. Cant wait to see what 2014 has in store for them and all the things they will learn.

Have a good weekend everyone! Enjoy the Olympics!