Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

I would like to start out this post by saying Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and Kevin's Mom. We have been blessed with the most amazing mothers and are so thankful for everything they do for us--their wisdom, prayers, and influence. We love you!

This weekend I have been thinking a lot about Mother's Day. Of course I am excited to be able to celebrate my first official Mother's Day. Kevin and the girls spoiled me. Last year at this time I was 7 months pregnant so that counted too, but this year is different as I got to spend the day with my girls. We had a great day playing and laughing and it was nice enough to sit on the deck and take some pictures outside. I was spoiled being able to spend the day with them, Kevin, and my parents.
But I know that not everyone had a great day like I did and it makes me sad. I have friends who lost their mom this year or within the last couple years. I know people who want to be mom's and that dream is not becoming a reality. There are those that never got to know their mom or didn't have a good relationship with their mom. All of these reminders make me all the more thankful for my mom and for the beautiful daughters we have been blessed with.
Yesterday I went to Sioux Center and got to have brunch with my roommates from my senior year at Dordt.  Becky just had her first baby in March and Valerie is expecting her first baby in July. Joni lost her mom two years ago. Our other Dordt roommate, Sarah, passed away almost a year ago due to complications from a miscarriage. Kari wasn't with us this weekend but she is getting married this summer and will one day likely become a mom. As I was painting our basement walls later in the day, I started to think about how each of these people and their families would have a different experience and viewpoint of Mother's Day this year. Hugs to you all!

The last couple weeks have been crazy busy. Amelia went from an ear infection to a double ear infection. So three antibiotics, one mild allergic reaction to one of them later, she is on the mend and acting more like herself. Kevin's mom was able to visit last week so it was great being able to see her in the evenings after work. It had been since Thanksgiving that she had seen them so I know she was pretty amazed with how they have grown. So after visiting with her, Heather, and Elliot, we would put the girls to bed, and then head downstairs to paint.
The girls had their 10 month appointment last week, which worked out well because Kevin's mom could come with to help out with the girls. They are doing well! Amelia is in the 92% for height and Quinn is 88%. Both of them are right around 60% for weight and head size. No shots at this one but they did get poked for a hemoglobin check and there were no tears! Mom and I were sweating and caused a little mess in the lab but nothing new there :) We did find out the girls are mildly anemic so
will have to watch that as they get older.

I haven't taken their 10 month sticker pictures yet, hopefully we can get that accomplished this week. But here are some other pictures of the girls lately:

Quinn and Amelia with Beppe

Brunch with my other girls (and Baby Bennett)

Playing outside. They do not like the feel of grass on their feet and Quinn does not like to  wear a hat. 

Some more lunch time smiles. The girls are pretty good eaters! They have been doing lots more finger food and are getting the hang of self feeding. 

This one makes me laugh. The girls looking at the puppy through the door at Sharla's house. 
Thanks for reading! Have a great week!

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