Monday, July 23, 2012

Life with Twins!

We have been home for just about two weeks already and having so much fun with our little girls! The days have been flying by and it's crazy that our life is now split up into 3-4 hour increments between the next feeding time. The girls continue to be pretty easy babies...knock on wood that this doesn't change. :) We feed them about 10 pm before we go to bed and then they wake up around 2 am and then again at 6 am. We usually go back to bed after that for a while and they sleep again until around 9.

The girls are also great eaters and are definately filling out! When they get hungry they start to chomp on their hands or try to find their thumbs to suck on if they dont have their pacifiers. They are pretty comical to watch when they get the first couple drinks of their bottle. And when they get full, they are both really good at pursing their lips shut to let you know that they don't want anymore.

At our appointment last week, Amelia was back up to her birth weight of 6.5 pounds, and Quinn was up to 6 pounds even. We are pretty sure that Quinn is at least her birth weight now too as they are both feeling more solid. We have another appointment next week so we will see where they are at.

Kevin and I continue to be so thankful for these little girls. We definately have a lot to be thankful for and are really enjoying our time at home together with them! Kevin's parents are coming this weekend so we are really looking forward to seeing them and introducing them to the girls in person, rather than just on skype.

And of course the fun are some more pics:

I forgot to post this one last time. This was a day or two after we got home from the hospital. I guess you could say these are the "fruits of my labor" :)

Our super long looking babies...Kevin is seeing some middle hitters in the future :)

Sister love:

Our patriotic babes:

Amelia guzzling her bottle:

Cuddling with Quinn:

Amelia's bright eyes:

And Quinn's bright eyes:

1 comment:

  1. Kevin and Amber congratulations on your beautiful blessings from God. My husband and I have been following your blog sice you started it. We are friends of Brandon and Jill's. We are also expecting twins! Identical boys. They will be here any time in the next two weeks!!!!! I love to read your blog and seeing the great pic you post. We will continue to pray for the Lord to pour out His blessings and favor upon your family.
